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    Vegetable Scale of Production Matrix

    Tom Cary (October, 2017)

    This component of the Toolbox for Vegetable Farm Viability provides a detailed look at potential infrastructure and equipment investments for different size small farms to help in planning and growth. It covers possible investments in/budgets for: tractors & traction, tillage equipment, bed preparation equipment, seeding Implements, planting & transplanting equipment, cultivation tools (in-row & between-row), harvesting equipment, irrigation, infrastructure and equipment needs for greenhouses, wash/pack stations and coolers, sales & delivery equipment and information/financial management Investments. Several potential funding sources are suggested. It helps farmers identify typical farm and infrastructure investments and costs that they will likely encounter at various scales of production. It then helps them to prioritize key investments based on likely returns.

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    Michigan State UniversityStudent Organic Farm and Center for Regional Food Systems
    October, 2017
    Material Type
    Written Material
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