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    Soil Health and Composting

    Paul Rogé and, Ana Galvis (July, 2016)

    Soil consists of minerals in many different sizes, in which spaces are filled with air or water. The water, known as the soil solution, contains colloids and dissolved chemicals, plus many living organisms. The soil is alive. This life is what provides for us, and just like us, it has a metabolism. There is a relationship between the soil and human health. What goes into the soil also goes into us. Poor soil is linked to war and violence for the last remaining pieces of fertile land. Threats to soils included fire, diversion of water, greed that prevents natural cycling. We should try to heal the soil, not kill it.

  • Details

    MESA Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture
    MESA Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture
    July, 2016
    Material Type
    Written Material