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    Organic Seed Production

    Laurie McKenzie, Micaela Colley, Jared Zystro, Leah Atwood and, Natalia Pinzón Jiménez (June, 2017)

    The Organic Seed Alliance (OSA) and the Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture (MESA) are offering an Online Organic Seed Production Course and Organic Seed Internship Program. When taken together, this 6-month program combines hands-on education, farm-based independent study, and classroom and online learning. The program emphasizes training in organic seed production given ongoing gaps in the supply. This course offers a multimedia learning experience with readings, a series of six webinars, interactive forums, and assignments.

  • Details

    Organic Seed Alliance
    MESA Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture
    June, 2017
    Material Type
    Online Course
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