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    Irrigated Kentucky Bluegrass (Eastern Oregon) Nutrient Management Guide

    Richard Affeldt, Darrin Walenta, John Hart, Donald Horneck and, Gary Kiemnec (July, 2015)

    Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) is a widely used turfgrass in many temperate-climate areas of the United States and the world. It is an adaptable, long-lived perennial that forms a medium-textured, dark green turf with appealing leaf density and aggressive sodforming rhizomes. Kentucky bluegrass is also included in pasture mixes. However, its low midseason forage yield, aggressiveness in mixtures, and high nitrogen requirements limit its use as a forage grass.

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    Oregon State University Extension
    Oregon State University
    July, 2015
    Material Type
    Written Material
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