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    Farm Retail (Part 1): Small Scale

    (November, 2023)

    In this Producer Voices episode, we talk with Maggie Dungan of Salad Days farm, located in Versailles, KY (Woodford County). Started in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Salad Days farm store quickly became a staple of the farm's business model, now accounting for 10-15% of their farm income. Watch this episode to learn more about Maggie's decision making when it came to the size of the farm store (small), staffing (none), stocking, product variety, and infrastructure investment. This is part 1 of a 3 part Producer Voices series focusing on 3 different scales of farm retail.

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  • Details

    Center for Crop Diversification
    University of Kentucky
    November, 2023
    Material Type