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    Estrous Synchronization in Virgin Heifers

    Matthew Burns PhD (February, 2016)

    Dramatic genetic improvements can be achieved through artificial insemination (AI) and have greatly enhanced the US cattle industry. However, very few commercial and few seedstock beef herds utilize AI. Obstacles preventing the widespread adoption of AI by beef producers are numerous and varied, but primarily focus around labor, time, facilities, and availability to adequately detect cows in heat. Estrous synchronization is a tool that is commonly used in tandem with AI and may be used to synchronize either estrus or ovulation. Synchronization of estrus may overcome some labor and time expenses usually associated with AI. This facilitates the breeding of multiple heifers in a short time period, reducing labor needs and shortening calving intervals.

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    Clemson Cooperative Extension
    Clemson University
    February, 2016
    Material Type
    Written Material
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