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    Economic Impact of Beef Cattle Best Management Practices in South Texas: Purchasing vs. Producing Hay

    Cody Ringer, Anthony Netardus, Mac Young, Joe Paschal and, Steven Klose (November, 2009)

    Feeding supplemental hay is a common practice for South Texas cow-calf operations. Overstocking as well as variations in rainfall and forage conditions often require feeding hay to maintain cattle numbers. Feeding hay and protein supplementation such as range cubes directly increase operating costs and often have a major impact on the profitability and financial well being of a ranching business. Wildlife management and off-farm income are often a necessity to support ranching operations. Prudent managers continually evaluate and implement management strategies to increase long-term profitability and equity growth.

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    Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
    Texas A&M University
    November, 2009
    Material Type
    Written Material
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