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    Economic Impact of Beef Cattle Best Management Practices in South Texas: Cow Pregnancy Testing, BSE Testing, and Shortened Calving Season

    Mac Young, Joe Paschal, Steven Klose and, Greg Kaase (August, 2009)

    Cow-calf operations in South Texas are continually confronted with weather and economic issues that impact bottom-line profits and long-term viability. Drought conditions limiting forage, swings in market prices, and ever increasing input costs directly impact net returns and financial condition. Off farm income and wildlife management are often necessary to supplement ranching operations. In addition, prudent managers should continually evaluate operations and implement new management strategies and changes to increase long-term profitability and equity growth

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    Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
    Texas A&M University
    August, 2009
    Material Type
    Written Material
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