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    Beef Cattle Management and Production Practices and Implications for Educators

    Mallory Vestal, Clement Ward, Damona Doye and, David Lalman (July, 2006)

    Beef producers need to continually incorporate new information and adopt new technology to effectively manage production costs. Oklahoma State University began a Master Cattleman program with this need in mind. Data from a survey developed as part of the Master Cattleman program document current practices. Management practices were examined for two groups; producers with smaller herds who are less dependent on the beef enterprise for family income, and producers with larger herds who are more dependent on beef. Results clearly show that size and dependence on the beef enterprise matters when considering a broad spectrum of beef management practices. Prepared for presentation at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California, July 23-26, 2006.

  • Details

    Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
    Oklahoma State University
    July, 2006
    Material Type
    Written Material
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