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    Bay Area Farmer Training Program Online Course

    Paul Rogé and, Ana Galvis (July, 2016)

    The main goal of the Bay Area Farmer Training Program is to build a learning community that provide the education, training and tools for a new generation of farmers to create a socially-just, ecologically sustainable and economically viable urban and peri-urban farm businesses. “Alone we can work faster but together we can go further”, with this is mind our learning community is built on the basis that cultural diversity is key to enrich the construction of meaningful knowledge that promotes change towards a fairer, more inclusive and equal society. For that reason, our program is focused on the needs of immigrants, refugees, formerly incarcerated, and under-resourced beginning farmers. We also welcome members of the community with other life experiences, such as high school and college students. Our high quality curriculum uses didactic tools such as field trips, participatory presentations, anti-oppression training, multimedia resources, project-based online curriculum and mentorship support to create an environment that celebrates and respect the different learning skills of our students.

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    MESA Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture
    MESA Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture
    July, 2016
    Material Type
    Online Course
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