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    Arkansas’ Recreational Use Statute

    Paul Goeringer, H.L. Goodwin, Jr. and, Dan Rainey (July, 2013)

    Farmers and landowners have long looked for ways to diversify their earning potential. In recent years, opening up property for hunting, camping or other recreational uses has been promoted as a way to broaden a landowner’s income. But opening up property to the public could also expose a farmer to new liabilities if some ­ one is injured on the land. Recognizing property owners’ liability concerns, Arkansas lawmakers passed a law in 1965 to “encourage owners of land to make land and water areas available to the public for recreational purposes by limiting their liability toward persons entering thereon for such purposes.”

  • Details

    University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
    University of Arkansas
    July, 2013
    Material Type
    Written Material
  • Filed Under