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    An Introduction to Growing Christmas Trees in Virginia

    Kyle Peer and, Reynolds Homestead (2016)

    Each year, landowners in Virginia consider Christmas tree farming as an alternative enterprise for their unused open land. There is not a lot of detailed information available about the Christmas tree industry in Virginia, but it is estimated that there are between 400 and 500 growers in the state. They can range in size from small choose-and-cut operations on a few acres of land to large wholesale operations covering hundreds of acres, with the average farm being around 40 acres in production. Regardless of size, growing Christmas trees successfully takes expertise and an investment of time and capital. This publication provides a broad overview of Christmas tree production in Virginia. Potential growers should certainly seek more detailed information from their local Virginia Cooperative Extension agents and specialists because proper planning can be the key to a successful plantation.

  • Details

    Virginia Cooperative Extension
    Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
    Material Type
    Written Material