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    The Safe Use Of ATVs In Agriculture

    Dennis Murphy and, William Harshman (December, 2022)

    When all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) first appeared in the United States in the 1 970s, they were promoted and sold as a recreational vehicle designed to provide “thrills” for the rider. The ATV also found many uses in agriculture as a substitute for pick-up trucks, horses, and even walking. The ATV is now found on all types of farms and ranches, in orchards and forests, in ornamental nurseries and on golf courses. It has been estimated that 16.4 percent of all ATV accidents occurred on the farm, resulting in more than 20 fatalities on American farms annually. This factsheet dicusses the safe use of ATV´s in agriculture.

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    Penn State Extension
    Penn State University
    December, 2022
    Material Type
    Written Material
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